MPNEsupport Org 802492-1069, Sweden

Melanoma Patient Network Europe

We have a dedicated working groups in particular areas of interest within MPNE that communicate regularly to ensure progress throughout the year and in particular, for MPNE meetings. 

Early Melanoma Interest Group

With early stage Melanoma being treated with systemic therapies, strategies for effective early detection and risk stratification become essential. This group focuses on technology relevant to Early Stage Melanoma and we are very proud to be project partner in iTOBOS, a Horizon2020 project dedicated to the Early Detection of Melanoma. This is our latest interest group, so watch this space! 

EMTG- European Melanoma Treatment Group

Melanoma research, therapies and clinical trial design

MPNCEE- Melanoma Patient Network Central and Eastern Europe

Interest group focusing on Melanoma in CEE, with a dedicated facebook group that you can access here and annual meetings.


Interest group for Rare Melanomas, with a dedicated facebook group that you can access here and bi-annual meetings, the last one in Berlin in October 2019. Our Horizon2020 projects UMCURE2020 on metastatic Uveal Melanoma and Share4Rare with particular focus on Rare Diseases are ending in 2021. 


Interest group for Melanoma in the Nordic countries, with our first MPNEnordics conference in 2019. 

last updated 5th May 2021 by BR

MPNE Interests groups