
MPNEhubs 2017- by invitation only

Thursday- 16th

arrival MPNE hub advocates


Working Dinner

Friday- 17th 

8.30- 12.30
MPNE hub meeting- for advocates involved in MPNE projects

Agenda shared closer to date.

Main conference


version 12th March

Friday- 17th March

14.00 - 15.30
MPNE quickstart for newcomers


Gilly Spurrier, MPNE and MelanomeFrance, France

Fredrik Östman, MPNE and Melanomföreningen, Sweden

Q.1 Welcome and introduction to MPNE

  • meet your colleagues
  • introduction to our European Melanoma Network
  • ​MPNE principles
  • advocacy tools and communication​

Q.2 Introduction to Melanoma

James Larkin, Royal Marsden, UK

15.30- 16.00

16.00- 17.30


Please don't forget to submit your workshop choices! 

W1 Quality of Life and how to measure it.

facilitator: Bettina Ryll

James Larkin, Royal Marsden, UK and Mark Larkin, Vitaccess, Switzerland

W2 Side effects in Melanoma

facilitator: Gilly Spurrier

Correctly identifying and treating side effects are a constant topic on our forums- what can we do to better help patients? 

Rebecca Chandler, UMC, Sweden

​W3 Statistics for Melanoma advocates

facilitator: Kay Curtin

Want to understand what is behind those figures in the scientific publications you are reading?

Corneel Coen, EORTC, Belgium

W4 Rare Melanomas (ocular, acral, mucosal)

facilitator: Iain Galloway, MPNErare

Christian Ottensmeier, Southampton, UK

18.00- 19.00

Advocacy speed dating with Tom & Koen

Tom van der Velde, Melanoompunt, BE and Koen van Elst, Stichting Melanoom, NL 


World Cafe reception

Anne Wispler and Hans Boetl, Selbsthilfe Gruppe Berlin, D and Martina Kiehl, Selbsthilfe Buxtehude, D 


Welcome Dinner

Thon Hotel Bristol Stefanie, Room Embassy & Consulate

Saturday- 18TH MARCH

Value versus Affordability in Melanoma

8.45- 9.00

Welcome to the conference and introduction

Bettina Ryll, MPNE

9.00- 10.30 

Session 1- What is VALUE in Melanoma?

​1.1 Value in Stage 4 Melanoma. The patient perspective.

Kay Curtin, Melanoma Support Ireland, Ireland

1.2 Clinical value in Melanoma

Christian Ottensmeier, Southampton, UK

1.3 What is a valuable treatment for a regulator?

Francesco Pignatti, Head of Oncology, Heamatology and Diagnostics, EMA, London

1.4 Assessing Value: Health Technology Assessment in Europe and the EUnetHTA core model

Michelle Mujoomdar, Senior Scientific Officer, EUnetHTA JA3 Directorate, Netherlands

10.30- 11.00


11.00- 12.30 

Session 2- Value-based healthcare

2.1 A payer perspective on value
Menno Aarnout, Director at AIM, International Association of Non-profit Healthcare Payers

2.2 Value in the eyes of the beholder: assessing the value of melanoma immuno-therapies using an evidence-based approach
Vlad Mixich, London School of Economics, UK

2.3 So 3 months are not worth it, you say? 
Lucy Davis, Melanomates, UK

2.4 Delivering value- the industry perspective

Michael Lees, BMS 

12.30- 14.00 


14.00- 15.30

Session 3- Value, access and innovation

3.1 Shortening time to access- demonstrating value of medicines early in development
Eric Low, previously Myeloma UK, UK

3.2 How do we get what patients need? Incentivising innovation
Duane Schulthess, Vital Transformation, Belgium 

3.3 Accessing innovation in central and Eastern Europe

Vlad Voiculescu, MedAlert and former Romanian Minister of Health, Romania

3.4 Incentivising and accessing medical innovation- can we have it both?
Belgium's 'Pact for the future' 
​Pol Specenier, Antwerp University Hospital, invited ​

​15.30- 16.00


​16.00- 18.00 

Session 4- The bigger picture. And tying it all together.

4.1 Accessing innovative drugs successfully- the CML experience
Sarunas Narbutas, Lithuanian Cancer Patient Coalition, Lithuania​

4.2 The Value of not needing healthcare in the first place. Melanoma and prevention. 

Gil Morgan, Cancer Prevention, MD Anderson 

4.3 Surviving Melanoma

Kacie King, Melanoompunt.be, Belgium


4.4 Panel Discussion- Value versus Affordability.

Chair: Bettina Ryll

So what IS value in Melanoma? Whose values matter in the end? And how do we move forward, for the benefit of Melanoma patients and society?

18.30- 20.00

Reception and Poster competition 

Ideas worth sharing- the Melanoma Advocacy Project.

Kari Anne Fervang, Føflekkkreftforeningen, Norway,

Sretana Njegovanovic, Upoom, Serbia and

Luc Vautmans, Melanoompunt.be, Belgium


Conference Dinner

Thon Hotel, restaurant

Sunday- 19th MARCH
Advocacy Day

8.45- 9.00

Introduction to the day

9.00- 10.30

Session 5

5.1 Report from 2016, including access project, outlook for 2017

Bettina Ryll, Gilly Spurrier and Violeta Astratinei, MPNE

5.2 Report from our cooperation with ZIN- the QoL study 15'

Rachel Kalf, ZIN, Netherlands 

10.15- 10.45


10.45- 11.15

Join us for a round of Melanoma Kahoot!

Test your Melanoma knowledge in a team!

Gilly Spurrier, MPNE

11.15- 12.15

Session 6- EUPATI for MPNE members

Introduction to the MPNE platform for the EUPATI course

Rob White, MPNE, UK

Discussion with Rob and our EUPATI- fellows: 

  • How do we adapt the curriculum for our needs in Melanoma? 
  • What are country-specific needs and how can we address these?

12.15- 12.45

Closing Session

Conference Summary and Conclusion


Lunch and departure

​We are looking forward to seeing you!

poster competition


the power of a network

What can we do to directly help Melanoma patients who reach out to our network?


at our very special reception- you will be surprised what we as a network can do

Melanoma essentials

get an introduction to the medical basics

in Melanoma- in particular, the different therapies that are available.

Melanoma Patient Network Europe


like-minded people is an important part of what we do

the program


after your feed-back from last year-

an MPNE QuickStart session 

for newcomers! 

MPNEsupport Org 802492-1069, Sweden

Advocacy in speed

​find out in a very short time what your advocacy colleagues are up to- don't forget to sign up when you accept your place

Ideas worth

sharing in  


MPNE 2017

Annual conference

17th- 19th March 2017

Thon Hotel Bristol stefanie, Avenue Louise 91-93,  1050  Brussels, Belgium​​