22nd- 25th November 2018
arrival 22nd in the morning, we start with lunch
Krusenberg Herrgård, Uppsala, Sweden
Friday, 25th November
Please bring your laptops or tablets for the group work
Thursday, 22nd November
Day 1
Arrival and registration
12.30- 13.30 lunch
13.30- 15.00
Workshop- Patient involvement in HTA
We will be looking where in our network there is already effective patient involvement in HTA, how we can help each other and how national EUPATI platforms could help train patient advocates. In the case study part, we will discuss ongoing patient submissions to HTA bodies, so bring your material if you want input from your colleagues!
Introduction- why patient input into HTA processes?
The patient perspective
Bettina Ryll, MPNE
The HTA perspective
Chris McCabe, IHE
Case study
Please try to answer the following questions
- is there a defined process for patient submissions in your country?
- has there been clear communication what type of information and perspective the assessors consider particularly helpful?
- is there a template for the submission?
- is the template a suggestion or compulsory?
- how much freedom do you have to submit what you consider relevant?
- any inexplicable restrictions- e.g. 'patients cannot comment on clinical data'?
- any type of bias you perceive- in terms of who can submit or the format of the submission?
- is there a feed-back mechanism in place, so if you have submitted in the past, were you able to get constructive feed-back on your submission?
Gilly Spurrier
Input = Output. How to ensure our submissions are of high-quality, relevant and to the point.
Educational opportunity: Overview over national EUPATI platforms
Roald Nystad, MPNE
Discussion- MPNE members' involvement in national EUPATI platforms
Discussion: Problems with patient submission
15.00- 15.30
15.30- 16.30
Creating a resource for MPNE Melanoma advocates
Further reading
EUPATI guidance on patient involvement in HTA
EPF survey on patient involvement in HTA in Europe
16.30- 18.00
Lean Advocacy- one year on
Re-visit the tools and formulate an MPNE Lean Advocacy Tool Kit
'Best of' from last year's Krusenberg workshop and the tools to take forward for your advocacy work.
Andrew Evans, Bettina Ryll
18.00- 19.15
Welcome and elevator pitch introductions
Your 2 min of fame- train to introduce yourself effectively!
20.00 Dinner
Friday, 23rd November
Day 2- Introduction to HTA
from 7am Breakfast
8.30- 10.00
Session: Introduction to HTA
Chris McCabe, IHE
Welcome to the workshop and this session
Bettina Ryll, MPNE
HTA and Universal Healthcare
Vlad Dutescu, MPNE and Melanom Romania
Introduction to HTA
Chris McCabe
Understand the motivation and principles behind Health Technology Assessment
Main concepts of HTA
10.00- 10.30 Coffee
10.30- 11.45
Session: HTA in Europe- EUnetHTA and the Nordic Collaboration
Niklas Hedberg, TLV and EUnetHTA
Further reading
Overview and comparison of HTAs in Europe from the European Commission
HTA in the Nordic Countries
12.00- 13.00 Lunch
13.30- 15.00
Session: Uncertainty in decision-making
Johan Hansson, KI, Sweden
Niklas Hedberg, TLV and EUnetHTA
Chris McCabe, IHE, Canada
Understand why uncertainty is problematic and discuss strategies to effectively reduce it for the benefit of all stakeholders involved
Clinical perspective
Johan Hansson, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden tbc
HTA perspective
Niklas Hedberg, TLV
Payer Perspective
Chris McCabe
Patient perspective
Group work and discussion
15.00- 15.30 Coffee
15.30- 17.00
Real World Data in HTA assessment
Chris McCabe, Niklas Hedberg
Introduction to Real World Data
Why is Real World Data important?
How to incorporate RWD into HTA decision-making
further reading
A good introduction- Real-world-evidence-for-health-technology-assessment-of-pharmaceuticals-opportunities-and-challenges - full text of A. Makady's PhD thesis available on slack
GetReal - a project looking at the use of Real World Data in HTA
Listen to why Real World Data is important and what pragmatic clinical trials are
17.00- 18.30
Advocacy session: MPNE members only
Rob White and Fredrik Östman
Data is highly relevant for decisions in healthcare but as such, rather a vague concept. In this session, we will simply have the time to listen to two of us who spend most of their working time on data- so time to pick their brains about the challenges, concerns and potential of data!
19:30 Reception
20:00 Dinner
Saturday, 24th November
Day 3- thoughts on innovation
from 8 Breakfast
8.30- 9.00
Session: recent findings in adjuvant Melanoma therapies
A review of the latest adjuvant Melanoma studies
Johan Hansson tbc
9.00- 10.00
Session: Bench to bedside: from scientific finding to clinical application
We continuously read about 'highly promising' results in clinical journals but what does it REALLY take to turn a scientific finding into a clinical application? And what type of evidence does it take to prove that something is actually working?
Arjan van Manen and Jvalini Dwarkasing, SkylineDx
10.00- 10.30 Coffee
10.30- 11.45
Session: Electronic Health Records
An introduction to Electronic Health Records- what they are, what is important to understand about them and how they help to improve care
Maria Hägglund, Uppsala University and Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm
further reading
12.00- 13.00 Lunch
14.00- 15.00
Session: Evidence for access
Jeanni van Loon, PRMA consulting
15.00- 15.30 Coffee
15.30- 16.30
Advocacy Session 1- MPNE members only
Advocates driving research
Koen van Elst, Violeta Astratinei
16.30- 18.00
Advocacy Session 2- MPNE members only
Issues in advocacy
Discuss with your colleagues the advocacy challenges you face!
19.00- 19.30 Glögg och Pepparkakor
Join us for a very Swedish tradition
19.30 Julbord Dinner
Sunday, 25th November
Day 4- Advocacy Day MPNE members only
8.00- 9.00
please make sure you check out
9.00- 10.00
MPNE our network
How do we work and what is particular about our network?
Group exercise
Learning from our colleagues in HIV and CML: ECAB- European Community Advisory Boards
Bettina Ryll, Gilly Spurrier and Violeta Astratinei
10.00- 10.30 Coffee
10.30- 12.30
MPNE in action
Violeta Astratinei and Valdimir Chekhmir
12.30- 12.45
Workshop Summary and Closure
Bettina Ryll, MPNE
13.00- 14.00
Lunch and Departure
Workshop participation, travel
and full-board accommodation
will be free for participants.
Participation is upon application only.
Requires preparation
Work in progress- please come back to check for updates!
Last update 17th November 2018 BR
MPNEsupport Org 802492-1069, Sweden
Melanoma Patient Network Europe