Patient Empowerment is both used
on the individual level- empowering patients to become partners in their own care-
and on society level- empowering patients to influence decisions made by society that affect them as a group.
As mediators between patients and other stakeholders, patient advocates assume a central role in the empowerment process by
1. providing patients with information and support and
2. collecting and representing patients’ needs and preferences towards other stakeholders.
18th- 20th March 2016
Leuven, Belgium
Patient Empowerment
is one of the latest buzzword- but what does it concretely mean for us in Melanoma?
With great Power comes great Responsibility.
With power to make decisions comes responsibility for the consequences.
Knowledge is Power.
Knowledge- and knowing how to get it- is the only way to ensure that Melanoma patients can truly assume the power and the responsibility for their choices.
So join us in Leuven to
Attendance of the MPNE 2016 conference
conference language is English
Who should apply?
European Melanoma patients, carers and advocates.
Attendance is upon application only:
please apply now
What does it cost?
Accepted advocated will receive free registration and accommodation for 2 nights (18th, 19th March) at the Martin's Kloosters which will be arranged for you.
Should you require extra nights, please confirm with us before making any travel arrangements.
Travel needs to be arranged for by participants themselves but will be reimbursed up to the maximum amount of €350 for economy/ 2nd class travel after attendance of the conference.
Please look for the best deals and keep the original receipts of your bookings! Don't want to travel alone? Use the MPNE facebook group to find fellow travellers!
Cannot afford to pay ticket upfront? Please contact us.
Pre-MPNE 2016- MPNEhub meeting
MPNE advocates involved in the MPNE 2016 conference or in MPNE projects will meet a day prior to the conference to ensure that workshops and our advocacy day on Sunday become a success! Invite to come separately and with your conference registration.
“The future is not shaped by people who don’t really believe in the future. It is created by highly motivated people, by enthusiasts, by men and women who want something very much or believe very much.” John Gardner
This event was made possible through the support of
This event was made possible through the support of
This event was made possible through the support of
Support is balanced between all sponsors and does not give right to influence the program, the faculty, documentation or any other conceptual aspect of MPNE's events or work.
MPNEsupport Org 802492-1069, Sweden
Melanoma Patient Network Europe